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“Everyone is good at something. Everyone has a dream. Even when you must stand alone, stand proud… because people living in fear will try to break you. But you… are unbreakable. The only way you can fail is if you give up. The only way you can succeed is if you try… and then try a little harder… then try like there’s no tomorrow. Because when you do something you love, the road seems effortless. And when you share that love, you inspire the world around you. So don’t give up, just give… give all you can because the world needs you, your talent, your dreams, your passion and your love. Shine your purpose upon the world around you and watch that world come alive.”


Stuart Meyer

Nitch TV Founder & Host of The Nitch Life


NitchTV is a grassroots web TV network designed to keep you connected to your unique interests and to inspire you to share your passion with the world!

Episode 1


What Is The Nitch Life?


Welcome to The Nitch Life. In this first episode, I'll explore what we mean by the "nitch life" and introduce you to our series of Nitch Life documentary shorts, which features ordinary people who are living extraordinary nitch lives.

Episode 2


The Path of Least Resistance vs. the Path of Least Regret


In this episode, you'll assess whether you are living along the path of least resistance or the path of least regret.


In our featured Nitch Life documentary short, we'll meet Jimmy Voegeli who has managed to fuse both pathways together with his family's tradition and his musical dreams.

Episode 3


Our Expectations and Our Ethos


In this episode, you'll assess whether you are living along the path of least resistance or the path of least regret.


In our featured Nitch Life documentary short, we'll meet Jimmy Voegeli who has managed to fuse both pathways together with his family's tradition and his musical dreams.

Episode 4


How to Discover Your Nitch Story


In this episode, Stuart shares his own nitch story and discusses how you can discover your own unique nitch story.  


In our featured Nitch Life documentary short, you'll step inside the story behind the New Glarus Brewing Company to experience the passion of Deb and Dan Carey as they live and breath their nitch life each and every day.

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